Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day in the Life of Me

A message board that I'm on and love is doing a project called "A Day in the Life of..."   We're each taking a day, so here goes for me.  Lots of photos, mostly boring, but if you ever wondered "hey, what's Anita's day like?"  here's a typical weekday.  By the way, yes I realize that none of you have actually wondered that.  But still. 

Good Morning!  Ben wakes up happy.

Drew..... well, waking up is tough to do!

At 7am my husband actually does laundry.  Ben is already on the move, and Drew.... well, waking up is still hard to do!

Then it's time for breakfast for the boys.  Breakfast is new for Ben, but he's liking it.  Drew would rather still be sleeping!

And getting Ben's bag ready for his first day with his new babysitter Jennie.  Bag includes cloth dipes, wet bag, pacis, blankie, wipes,etc.  

Then it's time for me to leave- about 7:45.... who am I kidding, I'm always late and it's closer to 8:00!

And for a portion of the way to work, I pump- yep, in the car.

45 minutes of traffic is no fun

Finally make it to the office- love the windows in my office, keeps me sane some days.  We have wildlife out there too....geese, cats and snakes make regular appearances, but we've also had hogs.

Meeting and another pump later, it's lunch time.  Oh, and time to check into iVillage as you can see on my screen.  Was a healthy lunch- veggies and brown rice with peanut sauce.

More meetings and another pump later and I'm back on the road about 5:45.  I stop to buy dinner fixins for my mom's birthday.

Pull back in at home about 6:45.

First thing after kissing on my boys is to unpack my breastpump- today's 'take' was small, probably due to a stressful day.  Only brought home about 12 ounces.  But it's enough for him with some leftover.

Actually have a migraine building today- but made dinner (which I rarely do sadly!)- it was yummy, pasta with chicken and artichokes-  and iced the cake that Michael and Drew made for my mom

Then, I nursed ben one last time

And managed to get him in his crib to sleep, where he slept for about 3 hours.

And I wasn't too far behind him!