We welcomed Ben Maddox Sullivan into our lives five short weeks ago, but in some ways it seems like a lifetime since we can't imagine life without him. Here is his birth story so I can say I wrote it all down!
Ben's doctors offered to induce when I hit 39 weeks several times along the pregnancy, but I didn't think I'd opt for that for various reasons. But, as I hit 39 weeks, with Christmas approaching fast and me becoming more and more uncomfortable, I caved- at 39 weeks and 3 days and said yes to an induction. I'd been having contractions for weeks, but not regular enough or strong enough to really be in labor. I was progressing though, and when we went in at 7:30am on December 15th I was 4cm.
Labor progressed (at Baptist Hospital- Downtown) with the help of pitocin and the only bump in the road came when my blood pressure dropped and his heart rate dropped. Our nurse was wonderful though, acted quickly and had us both doing okay very soon. I was on oxygen for a while after that, but no more problems. I had an epidural that was great- I could feel things but wasn't in pain- so I knew when time to push arrived. The nurse got us through all of the pushing and had me wait a few minutes until the doctor arrived. The tower was down to one elevator working that day, and getting downstairs took him a while! Once he arrived I pushed two more times and Ben was born at 4:36pm weighing 7lb and 12.8oz and measuring 19.5 inches long. He was gorgeous, and doing very well. I was so happy to have a few minutes with him before they cleaned him up and checked him out.
Mom immediately said he looked just like Drew, and after a few minutes I could see it too. Michael held him for a bit while they finished with me, and I was able to nurse for a few minutes before he went to the nursery. My Dad and Monica were there and able to meet him very early, and Mom went to get Drew so he could meet his little brother as soon as possible too.
Before she could get back with him, I was in my room, Ben came back and we had visitors. Ben's first visitors were the Parramore's (including Matt and Liz in from OK) and we were so glad he could meet his 'other family' so soon.
Drew meeting Ben was the best moment, one I'll never forget. I think we had all waited such a long time for that moment, when our family was four. Drew was immediately an amazing big brother, holding him and kissing him and obviously happy.
Christmas was just 10 days later, and we had a pretty quiet one at home which was nice. Ben slept through all the excitement, which mostly centered around Drew and his Legos.
Then, with the New Year upon us, Michael's sister and her family visited, which was the highlight of the season! None of his family had been to visit us other than for our wedding nine years prior, so it was nice to be able to share our town and our life here with them. Drew and cousin Joshua had a great time, and I think Ben enjoyed the kisses from his Aunt Rita.
Now here we are, with Ben almost 6 weeks old, and we're into a bit of a routine, doing well, and just loving every snuggle and kiss. Ben is starting to smile, starting to be awake more, and starting to show us his little personality that we are already in love with.
We can't wait to enjoy the rest of the moments for the rest of our lives!
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